These are random musings of my life journey, the people, animals, places, and events which have woven, and continue to weave, a tapestry that is me. We all know there is no real destination, only the ongoing experiences which blend together, creating the trail. Each step gives a glimpse of what is to come, without allowing me to see the end result. It is exciting. I have a home base that is mine, that gives me a place to rest. This is it. This is where my heart is, no matter where I journey...................

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Our Horses are GONE!!!

I'm pretty much beyond words at this time. I ranted and wailed and cried last night. See the article in the first link, then if you are in New Mexico, please be sure to follow the second link and sign the petition.


  1. A tragedy and I can see both sides of the argument. It is also valid to search for a good compromise.

  2. That is shocking. I am sorry that I am not eligible to sign the petition.

  3. There are some lawyers now trying to sort it out and "do the right thing." Let's hope for the best.


If you have something to say about it, just stick out your thumb, and I'll slow down so you can hop aboard! But hang on, 'cause I'm movin' on down the road!!! No time to waste!!!