These are random musings of my life journey, the people, animals, places, and events which have woven, and continue to weave, a tapestry that is me. We all know there is no real destination, only the ongoing experiences which blend together, creating the trail. Each step gives a glimpse of what is to come, without allowing me to see the end result. It is exciting. I have a home base that is mine, that gives me a place to rest. This is it. This is where my heart is, no matter where I journey...................

Saturday, July 18, 2009

One of My Hanger-Outters

I have spotted two of the cats that I am feeding. A few days ago I saw a pretty white and black spotted cat as it tore off the deck when the dogs spotted it. Then just now the dogs were all on the deck barking, so I figured one of the cats was there. I managed to get the four older ones in, but Lola was hanging around the end of the deck. Interestingly, she wasn't barking, just pushing her nose out through the chicken wire. I went to get her, and saw this in the bushes.

I know you can barely see it. A gorgeous Siamese cat is stretched out under the tree, and I couldn't get enough clearance from the tree to focus on the kitty, thus it is very blurry. It was also getting dark, so the lighting was awfully poor. I didn't use the flash for fear of scaring the poor thing away.

The cat seemed to be unafraid of me. I spent around ten minutes trying to get into a position to have a better shot, and he/she did not move away while I walked all over the end of the deck, and then opened the gate and walked down the ramp, too. However, while I called to it over and over, it didn't come to me either. I think this beauty has on a collar, but I'm not sure.

This was the other beautiful sight from the deck this evening ....



  1. The sunset is beautiful. It nice to see that you take time to appreaciate them.

  2. Beautiful things are all around your yard, some are obvious (the sunset) and some waiting to be found (the Siamese cat). What wonderful treasures you have to discover each and every day, right in your own yard! Is the cat still there?
    Hope you have a relaxing Sunday.

  3. MJ, every single day.

    Cheryl, no, the kitty is gone. She/he came onto the deck and ate soon after I took the pictures and shortly after that, was gone. We had rain about an hour later, and unless the deck was a haven from the rain, the cat was long gone.

  4. Oh, I want to see that sunset every night. You are so lucky.

  5. Did you put food out for the kitty? I wanted to the other day for a cat that wound up on our porch, but my husband was against it. So I thought it best to leave it alone. What a beautiful sunset! I wish I had your views!--Cheryl

  6. Caroline, it's hard to believe that is the EAST, isn't it? I get sunset all over the sky! It helps to have cloudy skies so the refractions of light are everywhere. You'll get to enjoy it in October!

    Cheryl,I do. Since I live in the country, there are often "dumped" animals, and I'd rather err in feeding them since they may not have skills to feed themselves. I figure that even if they are neighbor's cats wandering, I don't mind feeding them. As I said, I'd rather err in feeding them unnessarily than to ignore one that is new to the world of fending for themselves. And thanks, I love the views!

  7. Yayy another cat feeder. We feed them too. Mike usually makes friends with them and we try to find homes for them. Love the sunset


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