These are random musings of my life journey, the people, animals, places, and events which have woven, and continue to weave, a tapestry that is me. We all know there is no real destination, only the ongoing experiences which blend together, creating the trail. Each step gives a glimpse of what is to come, without allowing me to see the end result. It is exciting. I have a home base that is mine, that gives me a place to rest. This is it. This is where my heart is, no matter where I journey...................

Monday, July 30, 2007

Ohhhh, Good Picture Day!

Earlier in the day I noticed that the clouds were just beautiful. I was actually running errands with a couple of other people, one a man, an artist who has just moved here and is still in awe of the beauty. What am I saying!?!? I'm still in awe after ten months!!! But anyway, he was watching the clouds and mountains, and was almost hanging out the window of my truck.

A little later on I was headed home, and I found myself gazing at these. Yeah, I was driving, but I was careful and on a gravel road at 20 miles an hour. anyway ...........

The sky and clouds were just surreal today.

Isn't it breathtaking?

I promise, not retouched in any way. This is what I see most days!

Then, just a little bit ago I had run to the studio to help hang a few pictures for the beginning of the "horsey" show tomorrow, and on the way home I turned onto the highway and voila!! There was a rainbow reaching almost from horizon to horizon, and SO vivid!!! Guess what? I didn't have my camera!!!! But it lasted until I was home and here it is ..........

Isn't that gorgeous?? Look how far it stretches!

And only when I put this on the computer did I see the faint second rainbow. Look in the following photo just a little above the obvious, bright one.

And my final shot of beauty today is.................... MY NEW GRILL , actually on the deck where it should be!!!

Ah, yes ..............

Life is beautiful!!!!!


  1. lovely pictures and glad to see you've had a great day. did you manage to take the first few pictures while you were driving? that's some amazing handling skills there with those focused shots.

  2. Those don't even look real! I know they are...but WOW!!! Um..til the grill one. I know that's real.

  3. Paul - LOL! No, I was looking at them and drooling while driving, but I stopped the car to snap! Welcome!

    Jenn - I know1 I figured someone would think I enhanced them, but those are the real deal!

  4. Those are the kind of clouds that look like you could bounce on them!

    Nice grill!

  5. Burg - They do!

    I forgot to get the propane bottle yesterday when I was in town, so I'm going to pick it up today. Burgers tonight! And if that goes alright, steaks tomorrow!!

  6. Good Tuesday afternoon Lynilu !

    Anyone who wouldn't be awed and amazed at what you see where you live would have to be dead !

    Great pictures, and I'm definitely cyber-coming over for barbecue !

  7. Oh MY!!! Did you take these JUST for me?? LOL

    These photos are simply breathtaking. Thank you so much for sharing them.

    By the way, I haven't forgotten about the wonderful "award" you presented me with. It's been crazy here lately trying to get ready for back to school in 13 days. But I'll get to it....

    Have a beautiful week!

  8. WOWSA! Great pictures - and I love, love, love the double rainbow. Amazing what the lens can see.

  9. Annie - Well, we enjoyed your cyber visit to the BBQ! Weren't those burgers great!?!?!LOL!! And as for where I live, oh yes, it is just an amazing place, for sure! I love it!

    Dawn - Who else??? Thanks! Don't feel bad ... I was almost a week in getting it done. There are just too many good bloggers out there to consider and narrow it down! I know you'll get to it in due time.

    Casey - I agree. The lens captures so many things that I didn't see. I'm getting much better, but it still does a better job than I. Fun stuff, to be trying to out-view such a lens!

  10. That blue almost hurts the eyeballs it's so blue. Montana might be BIG sky country. But New Mexico sure is BEAUTIFUL sky country.

    oh, and LOVE the grill, Lyn.

  11. LOL @ Jenn! Beautiful pics as always Lynilu and yay for the grill being where it should be!

  12. Catherine - So true! I've seen beautiful skies in a number of places, but there is something indescribable about the skies here, as you know.

    And the grill ... stay tuned. I'm going to be posting about the first cooking experience on it last night. ;-)

    Patti - Thanks, and you should know that I moved the grill out of the living room before cooking on it!! LOL!!

  13. It is like you can reach up and touch them. You live in a magical place.

  14. Copycat. Your grill is just like the one M bought me for Father's day. :) It does take some getting used to. I've burned some stuff already, but M and G don't complain because they don't have to cook. :) I know you'll enjoy yours as much as I do mine.

  15. S3 - Does yours light correctly? I'm still struggling with the electronic lighter. Yeah, I'm already enjoying it a lot. I haven't burned anything, but I've lost zucchini to the bottom! I've got to remember to get in there and take it out before I have a reek!!


If you have something to say about it, just stick out your thumb, and I'll slow down so you can hop aboard! But hang on, 'cause I'm movin' on down the road!!! No time to waste!!!