These are random musings of my life journey, the people, animals, places, and events which have woven, and continue to weave, a tapestry that is me. We all know there is no real destination, only the ongoing experiences which blend together, creating the trail. Each step gives a glimpse of what is to come, without allowing me to see the end result. It is exciting. I have a home base that is mine, that gives me a place to rest. This is it. This is where my heart is, no matter where I journey...................

Sunday, December 30, 2007


My morning started with a party! Ali decided it was close enough to New Year's eve that we could celebrate, I think. First thing this morning he went into the spare room and got into a bag of glitter. It is the kind that has large flakes, the kind that I used to simulate snow in my Christmas decorating around the little ceramic village. I guess he was curious about what was in the bag, so he tore it open and shoved his nose into the shiny pieces, then ran back to the kitchen where I was preparing their breakfast. He looked up at me with a face completely covered with shiny sparkles!!

I wish I'd taken a picture before I brushed it off his face, but I didn't think about it. As it was in his nose and his eyes, and I was worried about him getting damaged. However, I did take some pictures after I came to my senses. Here is a Happy New Year greeting from Ali!!!

As you notice, my camera shy boy wouldn't let me photograph his face, as usual! He still had a few flakes in his whiskers, but there was no chance he'd let me see those with the lens!! Oh well!!

I took some pictures as I drove home from town the other day. It was threatening to snow with random flakes falling, but nothing serious really happened. It was really pretty, however, looking toward the mountains. The highest peak, Sierra Blanca, is obliterated by the clouds and snow.

If you look closely at the picture below, look at the right side of the photo, about half way up the picture. Do you see the snow on the ground in the foreground? Now go just a little bit up from that to the first ridge. It is barely perceptible, a small rise below the long ridge that reaches almost half way across the picture. Now if you have figured it out, you are looking at the hill that I live on!

Here's just another longer distance shot of the range. God, I love this place!

Yesterday morning I looked out the kitchen window and saw my feral cat sunning him/herself on the steps. This is a different cat than I posted here a few months back. But this one has been hanging out on a regular basis, and I'm feeding him. Some days he doesn't eat the food or at least not all of it, other days he eats it every bit. He is very skittish, so I never get close to him at all, but he knows what "Kitty, kitty, kitty" means. After I call him, he comes back as soon as I close the door! I suppose he has another home since he knows the call and doesn't always eat the food, but I'll feed him, never the less.

I took the following picture through the kitchen window, so it is not good quality, but I knew if I went out the door he would be gone. and a few seconds later I went out to feed him and ... zip ... he was gone! I put the food in the dish and ten minutes later it was gone. He is a long haired, grey "tweed" cat, with the potential of being a beautiful cat if someone would/could brush him. I think he sleeps on my deck somewhere. Often in the early morning, when I go out, he zips off the porch. He was enjoying the sun on the step after a very cold night.

Then there are my kids and the snow. This was taken a few days ago when the snow fall was beginning to melt. My dogs just love the snow. Considering that the breed origin was in Tibet, I suppose it is a natural thing.

I have a pouty-mouthed thing to whine about this morning. I'm getting a new neighbor. Someone is building a home on an adjacent lot. It it up the hill from me, and our lots' corners touch. The trouble is that he is building the house on the side of the lot that is closest to mine. I don't blame him for this choice, because it is going to have a marvelous view. It will be identical to mine, but from an even higher perspective.

Here's the rub. Because of the location of the house on the lot, the house is going to be approximately twenty yards from mine. Until now, my closest neighbor has been fifty or seventy yards away, through lots of trees. This house is so close and with not many trees between us. He removed a couple trees to improve his view. I guess this coming summer and fall, I will plant a few trees on my property between the two houses.

I don't mean to be an unfriendly neighbor, but this spoils some of my freedom. I feel they will be able to look down, right into my windows, particularly the bedroom which is on that end of the house. And this morning two people, a man and a woman were out there talking about the construction (he is doing it himself), and I could hear them talking. Hiss, boo!! It will probably be better once the house is complete, because most conversations will be inside the house, I'm sure.

I know most of you are thinking, "Yeah, I'd give my right arm if my nearest neighbor were twenty yards away!" But you must remember that one of the attractive features of my home is its quiet, the solitude. I'm losing a bit of that. :( I'll survive ... but I don't have to like it!!

Sooooo ... we are coming very near the end of 2007. What is everyone doing for New Year's Eve? What celebrations do you have planned, riotous or quiet? Mine are somewhere in between those choices. We decided to have our potluck, then some are going out for other plans, some are thinking about going to the casino for a while, and some are going home.

What are your thoughts for the new year? Are you making resolutions? What are your hopes for the coming year? I'm hoping for a continued run of peace and happiness as I learn to fit into my new life. I regularly find myself with new introspective about myself and life. And I love it. If this could go on, with new glimpses into who I am by myself, I will be eternally happy. Let's hope!

Alright, I posed some questions .... Let's hear some answers!!!

Life is beautiful!!!
And eventually, I'll get over that house on the hill?


  1. What celebrations do you have planned? Mom and I are going road tripping. I don't know where we will be on New Years Day.

    No resolutions for us. Our goal is to keep on traveling. Mom is getting itchy feet as it is.

    I hope this New Year will bring me pictures of the grandkids (I am not holding my breath), continued good health for mom and Surely, and lower gas prices.

    The pictures are hysterical.

    I have been tagged and I tag you. Here are the rules.

    Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
    Share 5 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
    Share the 5 top places on your "want to see or want to see again" list.

    Tag a minimum of 5, maximum of 10 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
    Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

  2. Good Sunday morning to you, Lynilu !

    The dogs look adorable, both decorated with glitter, and playing in the snow !

    The mountains look gorgeous with the snow on them. Youy take amazing pictures. They are so powerful, and I'm sure it feels even more so when you see it in person as you do !

    I can totally understand you mourning your privacy and isolation when your new neighbor showed up/has plans to build just 20 yards away.

    Yes, I would love to have mine 60 feet away because they are now both only 10 feet away, but the point is that space and solitude bring comfort and healing with it.

    Planting a hedge of trees may be a great idea, something that is evergreen or decidious ???

    Now about them being able to see into that bedroom window... It's a shame... don't know what choices are there, maybe ask them what part of their house will look in to that room of yours - if it is a room they never use like a guest bedroom or laundry room, it may be a non-issue versus if it is their kitchen or family room or something...

    Not having curtains at all is such a pleasure, and I love being awakened by the sun... I feel for you --

    My plans for the New Year are to try every day to find pleasure in the little things and let that fill up my heart...


    Loving Annie

  3. Pepper - It sounds like you and your mom have planned the best ever celebration!! Enjoy! Enjoy!! What direction are you heading?

    Pictures of grandkids ... "Yep I know that wish!

    TAGGED?? TAGGED?? Don't you know better??? OK, I'll do it, but I won't like it!!! LOL!

    Annie - Thank you about the mountains and the dogs. I am so in love with my mountains (bet you couldn't tell!) and I think when you love something, it becomes easier to share that love with others because it becomes so clear through your own eyes.

    As for the privacy ... well, a hedge won't do it. I will need to plant trees and be patient while they grow. The house is approximately 20 feet above me! Well, perhaps a hedge to muffle sound in the meantime. We'll see. And as I said, I can't blame them for picking the location ... it has a beautiful view!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you both!!

  4. Oh my gosh...I just love Ali. He is soooo funny.

    Sorry about the new neighbor thing. I know how much you really enjoy your privacy.

    Let me think about your questions and come back later and respond.

    Hope you have a good Sunday.

  5. Caroline - Ali is still running around here with "happiness" in his fur! I haven't brushed him; he looks too cute to brush it out!

    Yeah, I'll miss my privacy, but life goes on. :(

    Gosh, I can almost answer those questions for you by myself!!!! Yeah, yeah, yeah, get back to us on that! LOL!

  6. Glitter dog!!! Too cute...but poor puppy...good thing none of that went in his eyes!! All that hair offers some protection!!!

    Nice to "see" where you live...with a 50 foot magnifying glass!! LOL!!! It is nice to see though...and I'd be bummed about the house being built so close to you. When you've had the kind of space and freedom you have you become used to it...totally okay with me for you to pout about it..I would too.

    No plans for New Year's Eve...we don't really "do" that. Oldest son is heading downtown (Toronto) with his buds for the festivities and we'll just watch movies, have some bubbly around midnight and that's it. I'm fighting with a miserable headcold so wouldn't feel like doing much anyway.

    Never make resolutions..I just see January 1st as another day on the calendar..meaning, each morning is a new year for me and I celebrate as such. Makes life more rewarding, fulfilling and "realistic".

  7. Sherry - Never a dull day at my house!

    I'm glad you had your magnifying glass handy! LOL!!

    I haven't done anything for New Year's for many years. We were laughing today at the Gallery that we will probably all be ready to fall asleep at 9:00, anyway!

    I love your attitude about a new year every day. And I don't make resolutions either, unless you count count things like "Have a great year," or "let the last year go."

  8. No resolutions for me, but much hope! :)

  9. Kathi - I'm with you on that! Happy New Year!

  10. Ooh Ali is a rockstar! I understand what you mean. I value my privacy too!

  11. Patti, isn't the a hoot?? Don't know what to do with him, but I surely don't want to do without him!


If you have something to say about it, just stick out your thumb, and I'll slow down so you can hop aboard! But hang on, 'cause I'm movin' on down the road!!! No time to waste!!!