Today is Day Four of the garage sale. I think I did a boo-boo in my planning, too. Today is "Aspenfest" in Ruidoso, a fall festival that is very popular. If I 'd realized it, I wouldn't have planned on it for today, but here I sit, 9:30 with no customers yet today. If I don't have some activity by 1:00, I'll go pull the signs down and start boxing the remains up for a charity. Towels and blankets go to the Humane Society, Books to the library, and the rest is a toss up. I'll see who will come get it.
This area has so many celebrations that it is hard to keep up with. One needs to go to the website often and check out the upcoming events to plan. And I didn't. Now I'm missing Aspenfest AND sitting here by my lonely self. Rats!
I used the time this morning to consolidate what is left and got two table out of the way. This afternoon and through the weekend, I will box things up in categories, label the boxes and clean my deck. It is going to be SO wonderful to have a clean deck that I can actually use as it was intended, rather than being the biggest home storage in the history of junk! I'll get out the deck chairs, move the grill to a better location, make some iced tea and kick back! Hurrah. I'll post some pictures when it is done so you can all be jealous! LOL!
I have to paint the trunks that I brought back from my sister's house in bright Southwest colors, refinish the deck floor and paint the uprights of the deck before it gets too cold. Oh, and I'm going to paint the trim on the house to match the deck even though I can't get to the main body of the house until next spring. I noticed, too, that the well house need to be painted very badly. I don't know if I will get to that this fall, but I will try.
Wow, it feels good to know that this is THE LAST DAY of this. It hasn't been as bad as I thought, but I'm still glad it is going to be over. Yesterday I brought in a little over $100. Not great, but with last weekend's take it adds up into a nice sum. And yesterday more than covered the newspaper ads, so that's a justification.
OK, I'm going to go out and clean/clear/organize some more. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Hey ... is anyone doing anything special this weekend with the holiday on Monday?
These are random musings of my life journey, the people, animals, places, and events which have woven, and continue to weave, a tapestry that is me. We all know there is no real destination, only the ongoing experiences which blend together, creating the trail. Each step gives a glimpse of what is to come, without allowing me to see the end result. It is exciting. I have a home base that is mine, that gives me a place to rest. This is it. This is where my heart is, no matter where I journey...................
Sorry to hear you missed Aspenfest and sat there all by yourself. Sounds like you have good plans on who and where gets donations of your leftovers. I don't have any plans this weekend except to work.
ReplyDeleteA clear out is good...having a garage sale when there are other festivities in the city/town is not as good. Sounds like you have done well up until today and I do hope you had some custom. I did a "yard sale for the cure" in May (it's an annual event) and raked in $200 which I was very pleased about. Just hate that people want to haggle with you over something that you've marked for 10 cents!!
ReplyDeleteWhatever you have left will go to a good cause and that is a plus.
I love your painting plans which sound creative and refreshing.
My weekend plans? It's Thanksgiving here in Canada so tomorrow is dinner with the family (all 5 of us...2 kids, DH and MIL), today was groceries for same and youngest son's hockey game and Monday will be driving oldest son back to Uni. Plus giving thanks because as you always say Lynilu..."life is beautiful". Amen and pass the pumpkin pie!! LOL!
Daisy - There will be more Aspenfests. And I'll be working this weekend, too, but here at home, boxing up the "leftovers. Some "pink ladies" from the hospital said I should just keep it and do a sale every month until it is all gone! I reminded them that the hospital auxiliary is one of the proposed benefactors, and they shrugged and said, "True, but it's your belongings!" LOL!
ReplyDeleteSherry - I got around the haggling by not pricing anything! I said, Make an offer," and only two items were disputed.Today I told folks to fill up a shopping bag for $3 or a box the size of printer paper for $5, and you wouldn't believe how much found new homes!
Well, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!! Blessings beyond your wildest dreams for the next year!!
I like the way you organized things and didn't price. Good thing to remember for next year if I do another yard sale for the cure.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes..just finished dinner and I am stuffed!!
Sherry - The absence of prices worked for me because there was no haggling. I don't do the bargaining thing well. And I was amazed a how quickly things sold!