These are random musings of my life journey, the people, animals, places, and events which have woven, and continue to weave, a tapestry that is me. We all know there is no real destination, only the ongoing experiences which blend together, creating the trail. Each step gives a glimpse of what is to come, without allowing me to see the end result. It is exciting. I have a home base that is mine, that gives me a place to rest. This is it. This is where my heart is, no matter where I journey...................

Monday, January 14, 2008

500 !

Yippee skippee!!!!!!!!

EEEEEEE hawwwwwww!!!!!!!

I had no idea when I started blogging on May 27, 2006 that I would hit this mark. I wasn't sure I would blog the next day, to be honest! I did, obviously. And the next and the next .......

In the last few days I've gone back and reviewed some of the posts and comments. I reread almost all the original few, then just randomly looked at some others along the way up till now. One thing I noticed is that it is interesting how the reader-base has changed. And not changed. Some of the people I traded "reads" with in the beginning are MIA now. It's OK. As we read each other's blogs, we discovered that our interests and/or needs differed, and we just drifted away from each other. Along the way, others have come and gone, but with each person I've encountered in this journey, I've brought something away from their presence that has taught me something and in some way helped me with my biggest underlying purpose ... to know who I am.

Then there are the readers who don't go away, no matter what I say! LOL! If you go look at post #1, my first commenter was Caroline. Well, of course she was! She had spent several months convincing me that I should start a blog. I was very skeptical. Blogs seemed to be something more in line for "kids" (anyone under about 40!!!) than for old farts femmes like me! That ceased to matter pretty quickly! I consider myself young at heart, so it wasn't really a stretch for me to relate to the younger readers/writers.

When it came time for me to make the big move from Kansas City to New Mexico, I think my blog made it easier. I had friends and family in NM. I was going to Allan's home for my first stop, so it wasn't like I was leaping into the unknown. But I have to tell you that it was a huge blessing that I brought so many of my blog friends along with me! It was as if all of them ... you! ... came with me. Every day, my blog buddies were there just like the day before. And having Caroline present on my blog made it less painful that I left her behind after being my neighbor for many years.

Over the time of these 500 posts, I've definitely grown as a person, and as a woman. I'm still in the process of metamorphosis, but it is becoming easier and leaving me with greater confidence all the time. The blog has played a part in that, for sure. I've learned from many of you, learned things I've incorporated into my life, learned things I avoid like the plague, learned about how people live their lives, learned about how to make my life more full, learned more about what I want to experience during my remaining years. I know that I'm not weird. Well, OK, I'm weird, but I'm weird just like many others out there! I'm more confident in expressing myself and in doing what I want to do, because I realize that other people step across the imaginary line in the sand, as well. Because of this blog, because of your blogs, I've been more willing to just be me.

The blog has been a vehicle for me in so many ways! I've met new friends, and even got to meet a couple of you in person. But IRL or Via Blog, friends is friends!!! I'm glad I've met each of you. I'm happy you have come here to read, lingered to get acquainted. I appreciate your invitation ... or acceptance? LOL! ... of me at your blog. I love the things I've learned about other people, other parts of the country, cultures different from my own. My world is much, much larger now. And much lovelier! What a deal!

Finally, I want to take a moment to thank Caroline for her gentle insistence of my blogging. If she hadn't pushed, albeit in a very nice way, I wouldn't be here today, be the same person I am. I like who I am, and without Caroline, part of this me wouldn't be here.

Blogging soars!!!

Now do you understand even better why I say......

Life is beautiful!!!


  1. I appreciate your friendship Lynilu. Thank-you.

    And CONGRATULATIONS on post 500!

  2. Congratulations on your 500th post!!! We are all evolving and ever changing. Some change at a faster pace some at a slower pace but change none the less. I for one am glad I have "met" you. Next time on your travels swing up the coast here a lil more to Jersey or we could meet you in SC... LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL and so are the people I've met by mainly commenting on their blogs!!!

  3. Wow - 500 posts! What a great milestone.

  4. First of all, happy 500!!!!

    Second, thank you for the shout out. You are great and I love the fact that you are blogging. I was so sad when you moved away, but with your blog I feel sometimes like I am on your journey with you. I love seeing all the places you go and of course your pics. You are so right, blogging makes it seem like you are still right next door.

    There is just one thing that I am slightly irriated about: and that is the fact that you got to meet Patti. It's just not fair...

    Love you lots!!

  5. Dear Daisy! As I do you, my friend! Thanks, both for the friendship and for the congrats!

    Manblogger, thanks! Yes, it is all evolution, isn't it? I treasure everyone I've "met" here, and I hope to meet many more IRL. I'm tentatively planning a trip to New England in the fall, so perhaps we can find a good place to meet and say some howdys! We'll stay in touch about that, OK? :)

    David, thank you! A milestone I didn't plan for but one I'm happy I've achieved!

    And you, Miss Caroline, thank you for the congrats and for being my inspiration! I enjoy being in blog-world and all the fun things that are part of life here!

    Hey, you can travel and meet Patti or anyone else! Just retire early, quit your job, and hit the road! Oh, wait, you're not quite to that age yet, are you?? ;-) No, I realize how lucky I am, and I wish I could take you along. Wouldn't we have a lot of fun? Love you, too!!

  6. WOWWWW!!!!! 500!!!!! That's super duper!!!! Congrats!!!!! (boy, I just used a lot of exclamation points!!)

  7. Hey I just thought of you know how many hours we have spent on the phone or in person trying to figure out things on our blog? I remember spending about an hour at our house trying to figure out the HTML stuff so you could add something to your sidebar. Thank God Blogger has made all of that very simple now.

    Good times we have had because of this thing called a blog....:)

  8. Cheryl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Slow down, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're gonna hyperventilate!!!!!!!!! LOL!



    Caroline, I was thinking recently about a similar thing. I kept avoiding it because we had so much trouble, then when I was doing something not long ago, it seemed so easy. I wondered if it was that I got smart or Blogger was making it easier. Oh, well! LOL!

    Yep, the blogs have given us a lot of good times, for sure. We couldn't have stayed in touch as well as we have. Thank goodness we have been able to do this!!

  9. Thank you.l Thank you very much, Cameo!! Did I sound like Elvis just then?

  10. How did I miss this?!?!?!
    500 posts?!?! Wow oh really rock Lynilu!!!
    I'm so glad to have met you and have spent even part of these 500 with you!!

  11. LOL!!! Oh, Sherry, this is way too funny! I was just at your blog, and I realized that I somehow missed your announcement about your 200th post!! Aren't we the pair?!?!?!

    Thanks so much, and I'm glad you've joined my riot here, too!!


If you have something to say about it, just stick out your thumb, and I'll slow down so you can hop aboard! But hang on, 'cause I'm movin' on down the road!!! No time to waste!!!